The Trustees would like to extend their thanks to all those who continue to support the Trust with donations and running events from which the Trust benefits.
David Nicholls joined the Board on October 15th 2022 and will act as the representative of Hayling Island Sailing Club.
Mike Massey retired at the end of the AGM and was replaced as Treasurer/Secretary by Rebecca Tuttle.  Rebecca Kent is to be asked to be the 6th Trustee.

Grants totalling £14,065 were made during the year but we only had an income of just over £12.000.  -  £10.000 of which was a one-off donation specifically for the Thursday Club received from a very generous local benefactor.

The Friends of Hayling Rescue received £4,516 towards the maintenance of Frank’s rib. This covered the expensive winter service early in the spring, followed by funds for two repair jobs during the season.

HISC Youth Section were granted £545. The 29er Class Captain asked for funds to go towards paying for instructors  which are increasingly expensive. She hoped that reducing the fees would encourage some people to join who otherwise might have been put off. The classes were for Oppie and Tera class sailors contemplating joining the 29er fleet.  29ers are a very complicated boat and need a lot of thought before comitting to sailing one!    The HISTT funded instruction for last year seemd to have helped as there were much better turnouts for the  Club racing  and this year there are 20 boats entered for the 29er winter training series!
                                                The  Picture - kindly donated by Peter Hickson - was taken during Youth Race week

Meanwhile, at the top end of the 29er fleet, two of our rock stars are competing in the World Youth Sailing Championships in Buzios, Brazil in mid December. They are representing GBR in the male and female Skiff classes and in the mens’ class Charlie Gran finished 4th.

HISTT also helped with the purchase of new sails for Oppies and Teras to be kept specifially for racing.

 HISC  Thursday Club have invested their one-off donation in all new sailing equipment, wetsuits, buoyancy aids etc. along with purchasing two new Sailqube “Oppi” style dinghies.
This has added to the paddle boards already purchased with the help of HISTT and other independent grants obtained. In addition, several students were put through training courses and have become instructors.
 At the end of the season, appropriate certificates were awarded to all in recognition of their achievements.

new paddleboards2

 The Hayling Rescue Rib will be needing major repairs in December 2023. The Trust will be planning to raise funds specifically aimed at ensuring there is sufficient money available for this valuable harbour resource.

The Trust will continue to liaise with HISC management to identify suitable potential projects it could fund within the scope of its Trust Deed.

Matters from our AGM

    HISC Trustee Rod Car had been invited to our AGM. He had been asked by the HISC Commodore to investigate the possibility of raising additional funds to enable HISC to undertake a number of projects which currently could not be financed from existing revenue income generated by HISC’s normal activities
    RC proposed a 3 pronged strategy namely:
    1. Reinvigorate the existing 500 Club encouraging more members to join.
    2.  Promote a legacy giving culture among members, similar in structure to that run by the RNLI.
    3. While respecting the independent and charitable nature of HISTT, work with HISTT to possibly expand the existing charitable objectives of HISTT. This envisaged HISTT being able to help HISC fund projects which by their very nature, would be for the public benefit, as well as continuing to support youth, disabled and safety activities. Specifically, HISC would be looking for funding to support -  sea defences, causeway conservation, slipway conservation, pontoon conservation, general safety boat acquisition and maintenance.

 Various suggestions for raising funds were suggested:- 

    • Charity Auction – possible date April 27th
    • All forms of Social Media  with help from HISC (Ollie Blake)
    • MDL may have a charity arm
    • Produce display banners similar style to HISC Championship to have up in the Clubhouse, and at the RYA Dingy Show.
    • Possible slot at AGM on 10/24 under AOB .

So, lots to do and lots of help needed from Club members. If you are able to help please go to the page ‘You can help’ which will tell  you how to do just that.                               Many thanks in anticipation!